Day 2: Case of Monday Blues

Status: sober

Mood: crappy, as expected. You know… nowadays I hate weekends. For a good reason though. On the weekends I drink heavily, I don’t sleep well, don’t get any rest, run errands and get really really cranky. Time flies by, and Monday comes around. My first half of the work week is a drag. By Thursday I feel better.  Friday is awesome, and then the weekend comes. And I start all over again, and the drudgery of a new week begins.

Physical Condition: tired and sore. Tired due to not sleeping well. Again, as expected. After heavy drinking, it takes me a while, at least a few days, to get some sort of resemblance of normal sleeping pattern. Soreness is due to increased workout intensity. I gotta sweat those toxins out.

Workout of the day: none. Rest day.

Cravings: hmmm… Come and go. Come and go. Quite manageable though. But let’s not forget that it is only Monday.

Thoughts about alcohol: plenty, as usual. I keep catching myself thinking about my future without alcohol. How am I going to handle this upcoming weekend? It is the 4th of July and what am I going to do? Drink ice tea, Time. You are going to drink homemade ice tea. I have to forcefully remind myself not to think about what happens then but focus on now. Do you know that it is not that easy to focus on a present moment? My thoughts always seem to wonder off into the future, contemplating my life without booze.

Thought of the day: nothing profound to report.

9 thoughts on “Day 2: Case of Monday Blues

  1. I’m glad you’re back, that’s pretty profound in itself. You know, sometimes we don’t take time to recognize the profound effects of this journey when we’re in the midst of it, instead we dwell on all of our shortcoming and the times we fall short. What about the strength we find to come back and ask for help? What about our tenaciousness in never giving up and getting through all those horrible first days time and time again? What about never letting go of the hope that we will make it through this time? We are like a boxer in a ring that the crowd is urging to give up, to stay down on the mat so we don’t get beaten worse. But we rise up. That’s what you’re doing. Rising Up. That’s pretty fucking profound and don’t tell yourself any different.

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  2. Day 2 is awesome! Just keep your eyes on the prize. For me it is waking up tomorrow feeling healthy, rested and proud of myself! That thought is what got me through the past 9 days. You can do this. Stay strong!
    Hugs x

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